Sunday, September 30, 2012

Body Flip Tip #1 - Cart-Wheel

The Cart Wheel is an acrobatic move that you can rotate your whole body sidewards using your two hands. It is the easiest body flips in acrobatic.

Tips in Cart-Wheel:  

1. Have plenty of room or place.
Find enough space to practice the move like on a beach, lawn, or large gymnastics mat.  If you are planning to practice in door be sure you clear away all furniture, hanging items and cords so that you can perform properly.

2. Warm up your body.
We need warm up to stretch because our muscles need enough blood pumping before we go and play. It will also prevent dizziness. You must take enough time to warm up because if you do not warm up the tendency is having a chance of getting injured or pulling a muscle. You must also remember that your body will be throwing so be sure that your body is ready.

3.  Just write a straight line in front of you.
This is your base line or your pattern in able to do the basic of cart wheel. Your feet must on the line. Check the place or the ground where your hand will be spotted. Your hand must be strong in doing this to avoid an accident. Be careful in every move you take. A wrong move will get you hurt. When you start to do the cart wheel you end up also in the line you drawn.

4Have a proper starting instance.
Keep your both elbows straight, so that they do not give beneath you when make the cartwheel, also be prepared to bend your wrists back as your hands make drop with the ground. Stretch your feet just over a hip’s width apart and extend your arms straight above your head with your palms facing forward.

5. Decide whether you do the cartwheel to the left or the right.
Your decision is based on what you feel and make you comfortable. Also, do not forget that the direction might not match with your left-handedness or right handedness.

6. Point one foot in the direction you will be going.  
Turn the other foot a little outward for better balance. 

7. Look down at the mark where you are going to place your hands.
This will help you manage your aim and avoid becoming mixed-up.

8. Begin your cartwheel with the arm placed above your pointed foot.
 Be mentally prepare yourself, know that your other hand must follow, landing about a shoulder-length past the first hand on your hidden line. While the first arm is going down, the parallel leg is up-coming. The foot you pointed will rise last as you gain momentum.

9.  Kick strongly so your legs come off the ground. 
 Balance your weight on equal of your arm with your legs straight in the air in a v-shape and be sure to maintain your back straight.

10. Bear in mind the law of cart-wheel.
Hand-hand, foot-foot; That is the formula for the cart-wheel.

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